Embracing You, Inc. (Embracing You) is a nonprofit entity dedicated to supporting single parents and their children by offering scholarships for college, university or vocational education. As per the United States Census, there are approximately 10.3 million single parents, with 40% of them living below the federal poverty line. Our mission at Embracing You is to alleviate some of this burden by providing high school students with scholarships to cover tuition and boarding costs as they embark on their journey toward higher education.
Established in February 2021, Embracing You has since formed an advisory board and welcomed executive board members in 2023. We also initiated a scholarship and internship program in January 2024. With your support, we aim to continue growing, enhance the value of our scholarships, and extend our reach to a broader audience.
We are excited about the progress that we have made in developing our platform and look forward to the success that these new opportunities will bring. Our scholarship program is slated to grant three scholarships, each worth $500, in 2024, and we plan to increase the number of recipients annually. Additionally, our internship program offers undergraduate students the opportunity to hone their professional skills and gain valuable insights into the workings of the nonprofit sector.
We are excited to share that in 2024, we will be granting three scholarships, and we have strategic plans to increase the number of recipients by 6, 10, 12, and 15 over the next five years and gradually increase after that. Our overarching objective is to make a positive difference in the lives of single-parent families. Through collaboration with nonprofits, high schools, and colleges, we aim to amplify our community outreach efforts and bolster our support services. We remain steadfast in our commitment to addressing the specific needs of the single-parent community, with a sharp focus on developing innovative programs centered around scholarship initiatives and promoting well-being.
We have partnered with other nonprofits, universities, colleges, trade schools, high schools, and online platforms to offer our scholarship program to single-parent families. Our goal is to connect with families in need through organizations that have direct contact with them, and this approach will help us better serve the community.
In addition to providing scholarships, we understand that it is important to continue researching the challenges single-parent families face. This research helps us develop effective programming and advocate for our mission by serving our communities’ immediate educational needs. To help with this, we currently work with volunteers through Catchafire, an organization that connects nonprofits with volunteers. We are also excited to be accepted into Boehringer Ingelheim Skill2Skill, an excellent resource.
Embracing You’s talented volunteer board that is incredibly passionate about empowering/increasing equity among single-parent families. Together, we drive and execute the strategic vision of the organization. We meet monthly to strategize and execute our initiatives. We value donors' generosity; through this effort, we will build a sustainable operation which includes our internship and scholarship programs.
Embracing You Inc. is governed by bylaws and upheld by the Board of Directors, who are fiduciaries for the nonprofit. We meet monthly, and meeting minutes are documented.